Fear...is self imposed. Fear of failure. Fear of judgment. Fear of not being liked. Fear of gossip. Fear of what others think. Fear of disappointing those we love.
I feared...many nights...as a child...that my mother was getting beat up in the next room by her boyfriend...
I feared...that he would eventually kill her.
I feared...embarrassment...of the filthy, rodent infested house that I grew up in...with no water or heat because the bills never got paid.
I feared...what my future would hold...as I left home at the age of 12 and became a “missing child”... (one of the BEST decisions I have ever made).
I feared...taking the road less traveled.
My. Whole. Life.
I feared what people would say...would think...
I FEARED writing a memoir...the story of my life...of being transparent...for all the world to see...
But what I don’t fear...is making a difference.
If there was ever a person in this world that I was willing to bet on? It was myself. 100% of the time.
Will there be gossip? Probably. Naysayers? Absolutely. Criticism? You bet.
DO IT ANYWAY. Go through your fear.
Be THAT person. A trailblazer. Ruffle some feathers.
The person you should ALWAYS bet on...is yourself.